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Simulate the popular kids game “Rock, Paper, Scissors” using micro:bit controllers.

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Project Name: Rock Paper Scissor game
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Simulate the popular kids game "Rock, Paper, Scissors" using micro:bit controllers.


Rock, Paper, Scissors is a popular kids game where the objective is to simulate the shape using hand gestures.

Two players play this game using the shake gesture on the micro:bit. When a player shakes the micro:bit, the micro:bit generates numbers between 1 and 3 and displays the shape assigned (Rock, Paper or Scissor)


Winner is decided as follows:

  1. Rock wins against Scissors.
  2. Scissors wins against Paper.
  3. Paper wins against Rock.





  • To simulate a simple game on micro:bit.
  • To demonstrate that coding is fun and easy.
  • Introduce the viewers to microcontroller (micro:bit) and demonstrate how we can create simple digital versions of real life games.


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